Products & Services


We offer comprehensive financial services in the following categories:


Life Insurance

What would happen to your world if you suddenly died, got disabled, or lost a major lawsuit and didn’t have enough protection?

Business Planning

Do you have a plan to monetize and cash-in on your business—if so desired? How would you like to leverage that number even higher?

Estate planning

Would you like more options on how to leverage your financial resources?

Retirement planning

Do you feel like you have enough to show for your time and money invested after working for your entire career? Let’s talk about your options for a smooth transition into retirement today.


If it has a ticker symbol, we can trade it for you. Do you know your risk/reward number? Find out today how much risk you’re willing to take in order to get the corresponding reward within your portfolio.

Cash Flow Management

Are taxes eroding too much of your current lifestyle and goals?

Long Term Care

Are you one of the 52% of people who will reach age 65 or beyond and need long term care coverage? Make sure your needs are covered and your loved ones experience less stress in the event that you need to use your coverage.

Private Equity

How would you like to work less hours in your business and have more to show for it?

Debt reduction and management

Do you have a hard time with cash flow? We’ll put a plan together to help you get out of debt and take action with your budget.

Charitable giving

You want to give back now, once you’ve reached your projected financial freedom date, and after you die. Where do you start?



Chris’ personal philosophy on managing your money for integration.

You deserve more peace of mind.

Do you have a plan?

It’s never too late to get started.


Take the first step. How can we help you?


Are you working from a junk drawer?

Get organized. Get more control today.


What if you could see everything in your financial world on one page…

and understand how it all works together?